Thursday 26 September 2013

Treatment For Vitiligo On Lips

The fact that you are on this website shows that perhaps it is you or someone you love very dearly that is desperately looking for treatment for vitiligo on lips (it could be your upper or lower lip, or both lips). It is embarrassing for you and you have done whatever you possibly can, to help your lip condition. You have now come to a dead end and are a little sad. To help you, I have done a lot of research on vitiligo and found the best natural treatment for your lips, one that will work for you without any side-effects. This system works for your lips as well as any other part of your body. It works for men, women, girls, boys and children. If you have white patches on your lips, take action now. This will cut the vitiligo short and also stop it from spreading to the rest of the body. Take care of your lips and heal the disorder now.
                     click here for the
      most powerful treatment     
                     for vitiligo          

1.What is Lip Vitiligo?
The depigmentation of the tissues lining your lips and mouth is known as vitiligo on your lips.Vitiligo is a skin ailment. It is non-contagious and is not painful to the person suffering from it. When a person has this condition, it means that the melanocytes on your lips are destroyed or they can no longer produce the pigments necessary to give them their colour. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin that give colour to your skin. These appear as small white patches on your lips. It could be that your lower or upper lip or both lips are affected by it. There is no discomfort or itchiness on them.....they are just a little different to look at. A very small percentage of the world's total population suffers from it. Below are before and after pictures using this treatment.

 2.Types of treatments for lip vitiligo

There are a few treatments available. Some of them are:
The natural and safe way. The best treatment is the natural system. This is the system that uses natural products. It introduces a natural change in your diet together with natural supplements. It balances the nutrients in your body which in turn eradicate the cause of the vitiligo in the first place. This is a very safe and proven method. Moreover, you are given on-going help and advice for individual cases. This is the system that I have discussed above.

Here is a Case Study.
"My husband and I were very disheartened in 2010 when our son developed vitiligo. We tried a lot of costly treatments that were very time-consuming and were probably traumatic to our son. Psoralen phototherapy seemed to halt the spread, but did nothing to bring the color back. Thankfully, about a month ago I discovered your system and bought your guide. All the family implemented the dietary recommendations in your book, and our son was started on the supplementation protocol you suggested. After about a week we could already see a lot of improvement and now his natural skin color is almost complete back. If he continues to improve like this I think he should be completely cured in another week or two; I'll keep you updated. Thank you"
Therese Hurdle
 Canberra, Australia

 And here is a Doctor's Testimonial:

"Hello Michael. I'm not a patient myself but a naturopath based in Glasgow. Before I got your guide I wasn't aware that vitiligo can be cured naturally, but now I've used the information in your book to guide 6 patients already, and they were all cured within 2 months. Your guide should be a must-have for every doctor, dermatologist and naturopath; it's a shame that they keep pushing expensive and potentially harmful treatments when better results can be achieved through a holistic and natural method. Keep up the good work!"

Dean Millan (HolMed Health Clinic)
                                                       Glasgow, UK                                                                                                                                
  • Concealer. You can apply a good concealer on your lips very cleverly to hide the patches. You will have to apply this daily. Take care you do not swallow the chemicals in the concealer. That would be very dangerous.
  • Surgery. The surgical procedure is micropigmentation. This kind of surgery is done on patients suffering from vitiligo on their lips.It involves the surgical introduction of pigments under your lips. But, this surgery is complicated and has side-effects. 
  • Herbs. Another way to treat your lips is through the use of herbs: St John Wort is one such herb. Its leaves are boiled in water and drunk three times a day after meals. The extract can also be applied topically. Picriliza is another herb. This is an Indian herb which is used in the treatment for Vitiligo on lips through re-pigmentation. 
3.Video on how to deal with people staring at your Vitiligo

 4.How do these discoloured lip patches affect your life?
Your life gets affected tremendously in a negative way if you have this condition! There is no physical pain but an immense psychological pain is involved.Your lips form that part of your face which is what another person first sees to identify you. They are involved in interacting with other people. They are what others look at when they talk to you.  You become self-conscious with a low self-esteem and  no confidence.

In today's world, looks matter a lot...from getting a job to getting a life-partner. Society discriminates against you. And if you are a female, you get overly worried. This lip condition gives you mental stress. I feel that this is all totally wrong. You should be rightfully treated like any other person. But,sadly, this is a bitter fact of life. You and I cannot control the way the world functions. 
       But do not despair. All is not lost for you, yet. I have been trying to find help for good people like you and I have found it. It is a natural system that I have been talking about, formulated by a biomedical researcher and nutrition  specialist. To learn more about this treatment for vitiligo on lips

Click here.                        

5. Dealing with and Treating your lip depigmentation
It is not easy to go about your day to day activities if you have this lip condition. It does not hinder your daily routine in anyway. But it does affect you when you are in contact with other people or even with your own family and friends. They might be tolerant towards you, but you are conscious about it. After all, your lips are an exposed part of your body. Besides, there is the danger of the condition spreading. Whatever the reason, if you are uncomfortable, please do not lose hope. There is treatment for vitiligo on lips and, it is very effective and safe. So, make use of it.